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  • Richard Cash

11. "Woah, Nelly" - Listening to your body

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

Sometimes you've just got to hold yourself back and reign it in, before it runs away with you. Today was one of those days... People that know me, might suggest I can be impulsive. Maybe reckless. I tend to know where my limits are, and then push past them anyway. This probably comes from pushing so hard in sports I competed in in my late teens and early 20s. Each workout a challenge, and if I wasn't pushing the boundaries I wasn't making progress.

That was then....

Now I'm older and approaching things a different way.... or so I thought.

Having just done 25Km two days ago (fully fasted for 14hrs), then a gentle 10 min slow jog yesterday (recovery workout) I jumped on the treadmill today. Decided I would do 30 mins low intensity MAF zone (Maffetone) training. And thank god I was only training at the Maffetone intensity level. About 20 mins in, my hamstring suddenly tightened up. Previously, I'd normally run through it, however, the last time I felt this type of tighten, 5 mins later I tore my peroneal muscle. (And all this the day after talking it up about making time not excuses.... BUahahahaha. Oh how the Gods like to mess with me....)

Not this time. This time I simply slowed to a stop right away, and stopped the workout then and there. Straight to the freezer for one of my icepacks and strapped it over the area.

Admittedly I felt sh*t about not completing a target I'd set, but that's my ego pissed at me. I'm 47 not 21. Way too much left to do to achieve my target to have yet another injury. (you can probably see how I've had so many now ;-)).

While my head and body know it's the right thing to do, I felt disappointed. Then I'm reminded that there are good workouts and rubbish ones. I'm very depleted both from my 25km the other day and my dieting down. Things aren't going to work so well while my body adapts to the rather dramatic changes. I just have to get used to it. Even if that little part of me doesn't like it.

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