Today I'm tired. Very tired. I ran for 15km fasted yesterday and boy do I feel drained today. I'm still adjusting to the zero carb fat adapting method. All things being even I got around the route in 2 1/2 Hours, but today I feel blitzed. It's one of those feelings I hate. I can't focus properly. Slept awfully and feel pretty flat. It's like my body feels unclean. I noted somewhere that fat loss can result in a lot of stored toxins being released back into the body. This could explain things as to what I'm feeling. I've been drinking water throughout the day. But still feel knackered. It's an early night for me. Food. Stretch. A little chill time and bed before 9pm. Feel I need to just let me body do what it needs to today. Definitely don't feel like myself today. I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.
For now, I rest.
