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  • Richard Cash

9. Week 2 Training & Results

Progress is being made with the weight loss, training, eating and rehab.

The week has been better than expected and can feel the energy levels kicking in nicely.

Realising I'm having to drink more water as often feeling thirsty which means I should be getting more fluids in. TBH I drink mostly water (very few other drinks bar the occasional diet coke, and a couple of coffees with double cream).

That said my results are pretty good in terms of activity

7 Hours low intensity training with a mix of speed hiking and running:


Rest Day


- 45 Min - session with 30 min run/walk (Maffetone HR = 128-134bpm) plus strength/rehab work


- 8Km speed hike


- 30 min run/walk (Maffetone HR = 128-134 BPM)

- 15 mins rehab exercises


- Rest Day


- 5Km walk


- Long 'Run' - 3hrs, 20km hike and VERY slow jogging

Very pleased to crack 20km on my feet. This was depleted and fasted once again. Lots of calories burned for sure.

Results Wk 2

Starting Weight: 112kg

Wk 1 Weigh-in: 108.3 Kg!

Weight Lost = 3.7kg (8.1Ibs) in 18 days

Remaining weight to lose = 18Kg

That's over half a stone in two weeks. Very pleased with this!! Clothes feel a bit loser and everything firming up a bit. Also not missing grains and sweet things now so feeling that I'm starting to shift towards more fat adaptation.

Thanks for reading. See you in the next one.


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