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  • Richard Cash

84. Point to Point - When the road is especially long

I was considering my next post, with a question of 'what am I going to write about when my goal is so far away?', and I thought it might be a good idea to talk about that topic right now.

I have a goal. A big fucking hairy audacious goal. At approaching the age of 50 (I'll be 48 then), I will run 6x back to back 50K ultra marathons in 6 days and run 300km, in 12 months time. Those who've been with me from the start of this will understand more about how huge (and how bat-shit-crazy) an undertaking like this is. Especially for me. There is a crazy amount I have to do. The training, the testing, the kit, the logistics, the planning, etc etc.

I have 11 months of training for this ahead, so how do you stay motivated so far out? How does anyone?

The Why

I've talked before about having a strong enough 'why'. Those deep seated reasons that I go to in order to get me to lace up my trainers, to get me out in the dark wet and windy days and evenings (and Winter training is going to be essential for me to get where I want to get to, despite it being a 6 month shit-fest from now until march), and those diabolical mud-laden trails that really test how much you want it.

My why (for those too lazy to read my early posts), is about seeing what's possible against all the conventional wisdom for what is possible for a 100kg, injury-laden former rugby playing near-50 year old can do in the space of 18 months from start to finish. It's about showing my children what is possible if you are prepared to commit and work for it. It's about my Charity - Cancer Research UK, and to show what I am prepared to suffer in support of all those fighting Cancer. It's about crawling into my grave later in life knowing that I lived to the fullest, took on the big scary goals and never left fear or comfort stop me from doing something remarkable.

It's the stuff that has real meaning.

The How

By taking it the same way I take on any of my challenges... from point to point. One run at a time. One Bastard Pilates Mafia class at a time. One Wim Hof breathing session and cold shower at a time. One shitty fasting day at a time. One miserable week without carbs at a time. One Helga's House of Pain massage at a time. One stretch, strength and rehab session with foam rolling extravaganza at a time...

Going from point to point. One run a week, then two runs a week, then 3 runs a week, then 3 days in a row, then 4, then 5, then 10K runs, then 20K, then 30k, then 50K, then 100K. Point to fucking-point. Rest stop to rest stop. Piling through the work.

Going point to point means focusing on the next stage you are starting, and eventually getting to the end. It's just too big for me to quantify right now. It's fucking mind blowing when I really think about it too much.

It's the same distance as the 100k Jurassic Challenge... except three times over. That's just ridiculously hard to get your head around when you are intending to do it with a backpack, and on your feet. It's 7 London Marathons in a row over 6 days, on trail... with hills... and mountains... and swamps... and bogs... and beaches.

If you overthink it and focus on simply that it's a long, long, loooong fucking way I've got to run, then as someone only really just getting started out with this type of thing, it's just too big to quantify easily. It's Too fucking big to get your head around based on where I am starting from. So I'm choosing not to try to think about that. Just focus on the work, and the miles will take care of themselves... or at least, that's the plan ;-)

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