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  • Richard Cash

73. A Word to Mountain Bikers

Mountain Biking is great, but something I've found (especially in these warmer months of the year) is how many asshole-douchebags put the Lycra on and think they have some god given right for people to get out of their way. Please learn how the shared trails fucking work. Bikes yield to those on foot. Every fucking time. Them's the rules. If you don't like it then go away and ride MTB-only trails. I've had a few instances and near collisions with some halfwit flying too fast down a shared-trail assuming it's theirs, and that people on foot either have eyes in the back of their head, or can see around corners.

You go fast. People on foot don't. We also don't run looking behind us (because we'll end up in a hedge if we do or with a broken ankle). Sometimes we listen to music... as is our right to as we are out for a long time on trail long-runs. We are not on the trail to accommodate your downhill speed record. You see a runner or hiker that you are coming up on from behind, slow the fuck down. You are about to fly into a bend, slow the fuck down. Simple.

Some of us have spent hours on our feet by that point. Sometimes losing our reactions and even our full sight and hearing because we are so tired... so don't be a selfish prick (it's always guys by the way that think they fucking own the trail).

It's simple. If you're on a bike on a trail, you yield to everything not on a bike. Pedestrians yield to equestrians. That is it. It's not fucking hard.

If you're on a bike then give people enough goddam time to adjust their own running or walking line, or expect a few harsh words.

That is all...

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