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  • Richard Cash

71. Time to up the water...

You've got to love kids. Especially younger ones. No filters. This is something I experienced the other day when my 9 year old boy proudly announced that my breath smelled. My wife, finding this wildly entertaining, asked me a simple question: 'Have you drunk enough water today?' The answer was no. In fact ask me that question most days and the answer will be no. In fact I'm pretty bad at drinking a lot of water unless I am really thirsty, and when I'm training. I should know better. I know this stuff and yet here I am neglecting one the most important things to help with recovery, healing, fat loss, energy levels, water retention, mood and sleep quality. All the things I need.

I fill a water bottle every day. I have one on my desk. I take it in my car on my commute. But I'm not drinking enough of it.

I've gotten out of the habit. I wake up and my mouth tastes like a cat litter tray, and the contents of my first toilet visit of the day look like a can of Iron-Bru. I should really know better. How much is enough? apparently for someone weighing circa 100kg about 3 litres a day! I'm lucky if I've been getting through that on non training days. This might be why results have stalled and I'm feeling lethargic, of low mood, generally hungry, and water retentive. It's certainly why my breath is on the more fruity side. So from now on I'm going to measure out 3l of water while building a new habit and ensure that is the minimum I get through in a day. The toilet is going to be seeing an awful lot of me over the next few weeks...

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