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  • Richard Cash

57. Training Week 20 - Taper Time

This last week was all about me turning the legs over, testing the night running on trail and dramatically pulling the training back in order to get ready for the event (in just over a week). Very much about readiness. Last night I also did my final pre-event MAF Test (Maximum Aerobic Function Test) which I'll get to after a quick summary of the training and progress. This was to tell me where I am at. I'm in Taper period now after Peak Week so pulling the misled back from 110Km to around 20km gave me a much needed chance to recover and heal a bit The week look liked this:

  • Monday - Rehab & stretch

  • Tuesday - Rehab & Stretch

  • Wednesday - stretcht

  • Thursday - 40 min Run + Rehab

  • Friday - Rest & Stretch

  • Saturday - 14km Night Run on Trail

  • Sunday - Rest & DIY

I talked about the night run in my previous post if you want to check that out. It was certainly worth doing and a valuable close to my pre-event trail running.

Fat loss progress

The needle has moved again, and every pound counts right now. I've just eaten clean and healthy and adding some quality carbs slowly into the mix every few days. I'll step up my carb loading as of 4 days before the event but intend to eat cleanly when i do bar the odd treat.

Starting Weight: 112kg

Wk 20 Weigh-in: 96.5Kg

Weight Lost = 15.5kg in 128 days

Remaining weight to lose = 6.5Kg to target

Time left before the 100km - 1 weeks

I'm not going to sweat this. I've lost a lot of weight and eaten very well to keep my energy up through the training. I'm on a great trajectory now so know more will come off. It was always a really aggressive target I originally set myself, but shoot for the stars and hit the moon feels pretty good.

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