This was the week after the 52k Ultra so it was always going to be a low training week. Body felt wiped out. Mind felt wiped out. As a result I rested up well and spent a bit of time on recovery as well as thinking of the weeks ahead which I've covered in the other posts (so you'll be pleased to note this update will be short and sweet).
The week looked like this:

Monday - Rest & Rehab (though I did an 8km walk with the family not trackedon my watch)
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - 30 min run & Rehab
Thursday - Rest & Rehab
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 20km (left my watch running afterwards though hence the duration note on the image)
Sunday - Rest
It was simply a light week. I noticed the lack of energy in the legs on the 20km though.
Fat loss progress
This was a frustrating week as i was still feeling the effects of the carbs for days after with a couple of kgs weight gain. That said this week the weigh in was back to 98kg so looking forward to shifting more excess once again now.

Starting Weight: 112kg
Wk 14 Weigh-in: 98Kg
Weight Lost = 14kg 98 days
Remaining weight to lose = 8Kg
Time left before the 100km - 5 weeks
The clock still ticks but I have a sound plan and will certainly lose more kilos over the next month. 8 will be a stretch, but everything from now will be a benefit. Clean eating. Lots of water. No carbs or even healthy snacks, and fasted runs. I will add in a fasted day probably from next week once my appetite disappears again as I get back into full adaptation.
I'm entering the final stretch now....
Thanks for reading.