This was a frustrating week for me. I can see that looking at the training and results for the week. As you might recall from recent posts I was struggling with a back issue which was getting out of hand and for which I had to get treated.
Luckily This was always slotted as a lighter week, though didn't want it this light. I'm tapering into running 50km - my very first ever ultra marathon run! this Easter Saturday, so was cutting back on the training to let my legs recover and heal. The back problem set me back. It's especially frustrating as I've been doing all the right things and still fixing tendonitis issues that I've carried for so long now. They are improving, but holy fuck it is testing on your motivation.
I set a target to hit 50km this weekend. I was meant to be running it in an arranged event with support stations etc, but Covid cancellation struck again so I've decided, along with my buddies Graham and James (who are hiking the 100km in the same event I'm running in May) to plan an unassisted 50km route and just do it ourselves. I'll drop water in key locations the night before and my wife will drive to meet me halfway with some food.

Luckily the light week has helped my back adjust, along with my latest tool of rehab torture to help the muscles in the area ease off - The Shakti Mat. Basically a bed of nails that forces blood flow to the thousands of acupressure points (plastic needles) and helps the muscle relax (which is a big part of my problem now that the Osteo adjusted me). I spend my evenings looking at the ceiling, lying on this mat, wondering how and why it came to this. On my back, on my legs, on my ankles, on my feet and most painfully on my bare ass (something my children find quite funny and frightening simultaneously - I wear a towel, of course to cover the unmentionables, however it also means fending off a curious dog who finds me near naked, gritting my teeth, breathing hard and naked on the floor of my bedroom or lounge). So, for what it's worth here is the weeks training:

Monday - Rehab
Tuesday - Rehab
Wednesday - Light run MAF Zone
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Rehab
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - 15km MAF Trail Run slow
Despite still locking in my near Zero carb diet my weight loss has been slow the last two weeks as I'm clearly hitting a plateau. I'm heading into my 50km this weekend with carbing up the 24hours before, taking carbs through my challenge, and treating myself to a large and well earned Pizza afterwards. Fuck it. I'm hoping the change for a couple of days will mix things up for the body as it loves homeostasis, and with the ultra run (which will burn 7-10,000 calories that should kick the body into action and drive things forward.
The weigh in was actually a little weight gain! Not happy about it but let's see what it's doing in a week's time.

Fat loss progress
Starting Weight: 112kg
Wk 7 Weigh-in: 99Kg!
Weight Lost = 13kg (28.5Ibs) in 88 days
Remaining weight to lose = 9Kg
Time left before the 100km - 7 weeks
There is not much time left now before the 100 to reach my 90kg Target. That means 1.3kg per week to lose until then. Not an easy thing to do as I have to balance avoiding overtraining and cutting calories too hard. I'm considering throwing in a fasting day for a few weeks once I get past this Easter weekend to shake it up a little and once I've recovered from the 50km, then some light fasted early morning cardio. Let's get through the 50 first though....