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  • Richard Cash

34. Injuries - Because life isn't hard enough

Updated: Mar 24, 2021

I can more or less guarantee that no matter how disciplined your training, stretching, eating, warm-up/down, etc is, if you are over the age of 40 and training for a running event you will say exactly the same thing as I am saying today - "Why do the gods hate me".

Today, it is my back because, apparently, this shit isn't hard enough.

The discomfort is bad enough. Having to cut your training right back is more difficult. The fact that things keep happening despite all the work you're doing is probably the hardest of all. It really does test your patience, your motivation, and your resolve to keep doing what you do.

That's the hardest part of all. I've had all manner of injuries most of my life while doing sport. Some serious, many minor, and it is the most frustrating thing of all to have to sit there and rest when you've worked so hard to build momentum.

The waiting kills you.

The thing is I can't be stupid about it. There is a lot of changes going on in my body in a short space of time. I'm eating differently. I'm training differently. I have custom orthotics which mean I'm running and walking differently, and I've lost a good deal of weight. All within a short space of time. I think my body is just doing its best to catch up.

I'm having some of the weirdest shit going on. Things like my head locking on my neck (quite painfully at times), to the point I have to physically pull the back of my skull up away from my neck to unlock it (usually accompanied by quite an alarming popping noise in my head and neck). I mean, it's insane, right. I'm having to unlock my own head??!!

Seriously... what's that about?

The biggest thing of all though is insane back ache. Not in the centre but above my backside (in an area known as the LS Joint, at the back of the pelvis). As well as under my shoulder blade on the same side. To move is painful. To sit is painful. To stand is painful. To lie down is painful. So yesterday I had a 'fuck it' moment and went out and hiked 20km anyway. I figured it didn't matter what I did, it would hurt so I may as well do something... #runnerslogic

I have a 50km training run planned (and my first ever running ultra marathon) in 12 days so I needed to get a half decent distance in and can take it a bit easier tapering into the Easter weekend.

I'm seeing the Osteo/Physio tomorrow so hopefully he'll pop a few things back into place and I'll be back at it in a couple of days.

Thanks for reading.

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