I'll start out by saying that last week was not my greatest week, training wise. In my last post #19 I talk about this in more detail, but in this one, and having had a couple of days to reflect on it after my rant, It's safe to say that I am over-trained and can feel it in both my body and my mood. Having cut back the distance on my long run by half (from the previous week's 30k), I was blitzed from the Sunday disaster run and the next few days. Mentally. Physically. Classic overtraining symptoms. I'm not a 21 year old any longer. However those who know me, know I push hard, and then beat myself up if I don't meet my own expectations.
Being easier on myself is something I'm working on. I have a sign up in my office at work. It reads: "We work at one speed - Awesome". It gives you an idea that I go in hard on anything I take on. This is a double edged sword. It has gotten me both incredible results in my life, but has also left me broken at points. What I'm finding is that 'Balance' is the key.
Looking at my ever increasing mileage with key long run sub-targets in mind (15K, 20K, 25K, 30K, 40K, 50K, 25+25K, 100K) from when I started. The harder I push, the more I need to rest. Balance. Last week proved as much and is something I'm putting into this week as a bigger recovery week.
That said, here was what my week looked like...

Week 6 Training
Rest Day
- 45 Min - session with 30 min run/walk (Maffetone HR = 128-134bpm) plus strength/rehab work
- Rest Day
- 45 min run/walk
- 30 min run/walk (Maffetone HR = 128-134 BPM) - MAF Test (see other post #13 click here)
with rather unremarkable results (basically no movement from prior)
- Rest Day
- Long 'Run' - 2hr 32 mins, 14km trail run - FASTED again! (which is pretty shitty tbh)
Ignore Treadmill mileage as it's way off, being tracked by my watch and was more like 16Km according the the machine adding the three together (i tend to put in 5km sessions)
Overall I was very disappointed with the training. Had pain. Felt tired. Low mood.
there is a bright side though..... The weight loss continues well. The eating changes are starting to bed in. I've had a little slow down but I'm reliably assured that weight doesn't come off at a consistent rate, but in ebbs and flows. Overall though the trajectory remains down and the current rate suggests I could hit the 90Kg / Bag-of-cement-loss target by the time I step up to the starting line of the 100K.
So these are the results:

Starting Weight: 112kg
Wk 6 Weigh-in: 103.6 Kg!
Weight Lost = 8.4kg (18.5Ibs) in 45 days
Remaining weight to lose = 13.6Kg
I am now approx 40% of my target in in 6 weeks!
I am reliably informed by those around me that they can see a difference. I can certainly feel the difference already. I'm approaching 1.5 stone (in old money) down and can feel it when I train
Eating wise, I'm consistent and my appetite has reduced dramatically. I have tested my ketosis levels and they are solid so I know I'm keeping carbs to a low level so the fat adapting appears to be working. For now, I'll take the win!
Thanks for reading...