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  • Richard Cash

16. Week 4 - Training & Results

Updated: Aug 12, 2021

I have waited a long time to be able to take on any kind of distance running without pain. Even before I broke my ankle in September last year, the tendonitis was excruciating on every run I attempted...

Well, this week I took on a 15km run (using MAF which meant run-walk) and nailed it with no issues.

Each week I'm balancing time-on-feet (most important part of all my training in order to build up to even walk an ultra) with running to strengthen up my ability for running endurance, and put the base in. Remember, my goal is to complete the thing while running as much as is feasible.

Impact is not equal

I also have to be VERY careful of not pushing the running too fast. I can now hike all day again, but running has much greater impact on my body being heavy. If you doubt this and are less than 100kg, try running with a bag of cement on your shoulders (or a backpack with a 25kg weight in it) and you'll understand the difference in forces going through your joints. This means I have to build running slowly or risk an injury.

For anyone running who has done so with Achilles or Peroneal tendonitis, or heel bursitis (I am recovering from all three in the same foot), it is miserable. So to do so this weekend for a decent distance, and then be able to walk down a flight of stairs after, I am very happy indeed.

So, onto the week...

Week 4 Training


Rest Day


- 45 Min - session with 30 min run/walk (Maffetone HR = 128-134bpm) plus strength/rehab work


- 6Km speed hike


- Rest day


- 30 min run/walk (Maffetone HR = 128-134 BPM) - MAF Test (see other post #13 click here)

- 15 mins rehab exercises


- Rest Day


- Long 'Run' - 2 hours 31 minutes, 15km run

Again, my long run was entirely 'Fasted', meaning that I didn't eat a thing since dinner the evening before. While my times won't win any medals, this is a huge win for me :-). The fasted training is to force my body to use it's own reserves to fuel itself and help get fat adapted faster. To get around 15km fasted and with my HR under 134bpm for the duration is great, as is the fact that those 2250 calories from that run came from my love handles :-)

Results Wk 4.

Starting Weight: 112kg

Wk 4 Weigh-in: 105 Kg!

Weight Lost = 7kg (14.4Ibs) in 30 days

Remaining weight to lose = 15Kg

I am now 25% to target in month 1.

Even though my family have pointed out my trousers are starting to fall down, I can only be happy about that!... Though it might make for interesting moments though when we eventually have friends over after 'lockdown' :-)


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