I'll kick off my post with a short note to wish a Happy Birthday to my proverbial 'Trail-Wife', Graham who turns 50 today. My buddy and partner in crime on so much of my journey to running ultra, Graham has been a fundamental cornerstone in my progress. From crewing, to getting out in dark winter mud-shit-fest trail runs with me. He doesn't like the attention (but I know he secretly does) ;-), Graham was there with me from the start, and one of the key factors in why I chose to do this in the first place. The OG, or Original (now 'Old') Gangsta. The Original Graham, if you will.

From my flattest moments of despair, to my successes along the way, I've been blessed to have someone who actually gets what I'm doing to be there and understand me enough to share the journey with. Notwithstanding his own transformation along the way, he's been generous of time and spirit to help me check my thinking as well as patient enough in those few moments when I've thrown my toys well and truly out of the pram.
Graham... Happy Birthday, and thank you for everything.
Now the update....
This last 2 weeks saw me back in the training saddle. Still cautious about my ankle from a couple of weeks back, however able to start pushing some pace and getting back to some consistency.
I started with a decent 15km run, followed by a few 6K runs and a VERY hot hill repeat session. That weekend was then topped with a run in crazy heat with the dog for 10km, which I cut short as both the Dog and I thought it wise and far enough given the circumstances and had a reaction in the still recovering ankle.
This was followed, last week by a 15k, 6k, 6k hills and 24km challenge in the Cotswolds to celebrate Graham's birthday. Another very warm day, and one I was prepared for with cooling towel and bright coloured cap. It helped. The first half was a nice hilly hike, after which Graham suggested I should run the second half as it was clear I was keen to. It was a great chance to get the awesome hills in (running up and down) and push the intensity.
I'm pleased to say I got through this with no adverse reactions. The ankle held out, and my Achilles didn't complain too much. The second half pace was where I wanted to be given the terrain and heat, but the best benefit was practice running down some more technical descents. A chance to programme in my footwork and agility without ending up down the side of a steep drop off. It was a successful week by all accounts. I'm getting close to my on-the-flat target pace of 8km/phr while in my zone 2 heart rate (136 bpm) and holding for distance. This was a key target for me. If I can stay consistent through the summer, and keep making the fitness/strength/speed gains I've been making while remaining free of any more serious injury issues, then I'm on target for late September. My weekly volume is around 40km again, so will start raising this through July. Next up I'm heading into July. I have about 10 training weeks left, before taper. July will be intense as there is a lot going on in my work and personal life this month so need to get structure it well. I'm just mulling a decision to put a 50km ultra distance into my schedule at the end of July. I'll be going on holiday at the very end of the month for two weeks so it's a logical move. It'll remind my legs they need to go Ultra distances, and I can ease off for a few days after while travelling; then ease back into training while in 40C heat (should be fun) and reminding me to skip the dessert counter in the hotel.
I'll need to keep momentum as I'll only have a month to go and will be having to hit peak volume at the end of August, so I have to make the free time count while I'm away. I have in my current plan to hit the last week of August with a few back to back big days (50,35,25km), but this will be determined by how I'm feeling. What I do know is August is likely to be 6 days a week running with a few 'double days' on my feet (even while I'm on holiday) to really develop the fatigue-recovery-fatigue reaction in my body. I'm still playing with what end of July and early August look like, but should be clearer on that shortly. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks for reading.
