The Long Road to Ultra
"We choose to do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard..." JF Kennedy
Welcome to my journey from 0 to 300km
Dec 31st 2020 saw me start to train to run the 100Km Jurassic Challenge 5 months later. At 46 years old, I was out of shape, recovering from ankle injury, and weighing in overweight at 112kg, there was a long way to go.
This is a blog documenting my weight loss, training and fitness journey. The challenges, the lessons and the ups & downs in taking on extraordinary challenges well out of my comfort zone.
I started at Zero and since starting this blog, I have run one 300km, one 100km, one 84Km one 60km and five 50km ultramarathons. This culminated in finishing a 300km multi-stage-ultra monster that I faced in September 2023 after deferring from 2022 after a cascade of injuries.
To know more about me click here, and would recommend looking at the blogs (will number them to help) where I can go into more detail.
Hope you enjoy, and please do subscribe for weekly posts and updates...

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